Saturday, January 16, 2010


So this is it.

After much inspiration, contemplating, researching, and questions, I have finally started my blog.
And I have to be honest with feels a little weird. I mean, I read blogs all the time, but this one is mine....and I'm feeling like (for the first time in my life), I'm at a loss for words. Well, okay, not REALLY at a loss for words. But more of a "where do I start" sort of feeling.

Who am I? I am a wife of 20 years to an incredible husband, mother to four amazing children, daughter to wonderful parents, sister to three, friend to many, and the lover of Jesus who gave His life for me.

Born and raised in a suburb of St. Louis, married young and moved to the south....the deep south. Yes, it was culture shock....but that's another whole blog post. :-) I'm just sayin'.

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