I mean, really....when I was typing my post the other day....I had every intention of including these.
Karissa made this first one in Kindergarten....back in 1999, and we used it as our tree topper for years...I think it was sort of a self-portrait'ish sort of angel.....
Don't ya' just love how she chose curly, long hair?? Just love the handprint wings, too.
And one would think it just couldn't get any better then that.....but two years ago, Destin came home with a project to do. He had to make an angel....and it had to be of someone who he considered his "hero".
Get out the tissues 'cause here it goes.
Have you recovered yet? Sniff, sniff......
Oh...sorry.....it's me who had to recover.
So....when your child comes home with this, and says that he has to make an angel that represents his hero, and that his hero is is Daddy.....you gotta' deliver...know what I'm sayin' ?
And I wish that I could tell you that I took pictures of every step, so that you could see the full transformation....but that was two years ago and I wasn't blogging yet.
So before you see the first picture, I will tell you (just in case you ever want to make your own...) that Destin and I bought a solid, white ceramic ornament along with a hair piece from the local Walgreens. (I swear we keep that place in business.)
I had Destin draw on the facial features, and then we began the hair implant. Pieces from the hair piece, hot glued on to the upside down ornament....little bits at a time.
This was no easy task.
And no, this isn't suppose to look like a bad "bed-head" morning....we just haven't made the hair lay down yet.
Stop laughing.
Angel wasn't too impressed with the fact that we made her try on the glasses.....
Sorry...couldn't leave her out.
So after attaching all the pieces of hair, then we had to get it all to lay down...and give him a hair cut, as well as a mustache.
See the resemblance?
Nope...not finished.
Oh dear.....that needs a serious trim!
But before you see the finished product, you need to know that the wings are made from Darwin's hand prints along with Destin's smaller hand prints.
He looks even better on top of the tree.....
And.....I'm probably gonna' be in trouble for this post!! ;-)
I'm just sayin'.